Monday, May 31, 2010

...and I write the LoveLetter

As the melody starts, I fall in love again

Saya rindu ingin menekan kekunci hitam putih itu.

Piano is my Passion

Suatu hari nnt akn ku mainkn lagu ini buat kamu, sang piano.

Kamu tunggu ya ;D

And to Aiesyah, please send my regards to Ms. Yen. Tell her, I'll try not to forget the notes when I come back to m'sia :) Here goes. Beautiful notes inspired by Mr.Pachelbel.

Dear Allah,
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to know this:

For abah and umi, terima kasih for the Gift :)
love, nusaibah


LoveLetter from


Alya Zafar said...

kak seyba pandai men piano?
bapak bestttt

btw kak seyba skang study mane?

nusaibah said...

bole la men ;))
best klau minat.

study?-international islamic university malaysia ;))