Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bicara hari ini

Baru smlm ku susun lembaran kata-kata kan?
Bukan sengaja tidak mahu m'update this blog.
Hanya perhatian dialihkn pada lain2 perkara yang terasa lbh penting.

Time is limited.
make use of it.
wisely, or unwisely,
u choose.
If u're happy with wht you'd choose,
or regret with wht you'd choose,
Just keep improving ureslf
to be a better person.
Then u'll get on with life, InsyaAllah.

Now, menanti jarum jam bergerak melalui angka sepuluh. Grammar class is waiting for me. People are rushing to class. Tudung kena elok, bju kena gosok, breakfast tunggu esok?

As for me,

I'm waiting..
waiting for what?
only HE knows

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