Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Wish to Fill the Room With...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

"...every of these men, you could just throw them anywhere in this world, and leave them.
They've take care of their religion..." 


Salam fourth of Ramadhan ^_^
Today's post will only be from a video.
A thought from  سيدنا  عمر الخطاب رضى الله عنه


 اللهم اجعلْنا مِن الصَّائِمِين الصَّابِرِين القَائِمِينَ لَكَ القَانِتِين

Jadikanlah kami daripada berpuasa orang yang sabar dan taat


nurul hazirah muhammad said...

like! suka video tu. tahnx sayba :)

nusaibah said...

suka jgk ^_^
la syukran 'ala wajib =)