Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Another LoveLetter

Tell me smthg i dont knw.

From ABC to 123. I wnt to write.

I need words. Any word tht came across I told them to stop by.

Like the evil witch who asked Hansel and Gretel to stay a night at d candy house.

I wish i could be tht tempting, Like the candy house, not the evil witch. Thoe getting to hv super powers like the witch sounds mcm fun, but it's nt tempting. (atleast for me).

Too bad fairy tales arent meant to be real.

They're hikayats about fake people with their fake lives but their stories will stay eternally mentioned in the reality.

....helaian sambungannya tiada pada saya. Mungkin sudah terbang di tiup angin.

Moving on..

Hansel and Gretel. Candy house. Evil witch.

Personally, I think the best part of this kisah is the candy house. Dahulu evrytime saya membca buku cerita koleksi kisah cerita tipu, halamn pertama yg di selak adlh page yg tertera tajuknya besar-besar: Hansel & Gretel. Mengapa? kerana suka usha rumah yg blh di mkn itu. lepas itu, mula lah menanam angan-angan: When I grow up, I wnt to live in a house like this. (sambil jemari berlari di ats gmbr lukisn pada helaian tersebut). So tht when I'm hungry I cn just eat the wall and the windows, even the trees and flowers outside the house cn be eaten. Then I can jimat duit sbb tidak perlu berssh payah menziarahi supermarket utk membeli brg dapur. Interesting indeed!

Namun itu hnya kisah rekaan. H a m p a.

Kata hati berbicara, it is impossible. Tpi bila rujuk kembali surat cinta, kan Allah dah janji di dlmnya tntng keindahan dan kenikmatan syurga yang belum pernah dilihat mata, di dengar di telinga mahupun terlintas di hati. Segalanya yang terdetik dlm hati segalanya diperolehi. Bagaimana hbt sekalipun fikiran manusia still tidak mampu menggmbrkn keindahan syurga Allah yg dijanjikn bg hambanya yg beriman. Subahanallah.

Sesungguhnya Allah membeli diri dan harta org-org beriman dgn syurga.. (111:taubah)

Tentu syurga Allah jauh lebih hebat dr the candy house kn? :)

Hansel. Gretel. Evil Witch. Candy House
by nusaibah ;))

I thought of going to a place
Somewhere far away
and seemed hard to reach
but I knew it is reachable.
A place called

and we live happily ever after i'Allah

LoveLetter from

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