Sunday, November 1, 2009




Baru seminggu start sem baru da kembali pulang ke Bangi?

hehe. Macm tidak knal pula. Habit since sem1.

It's legal, ryte?

Kelas belum start. Schedule baru settled.

So, currently menanti a new image that will describe the whole new semester.

Say HELLO to:

FIM 1123
Religions in Malaysia

GHM 2113 Basic Research Methods & Report Writing

ELM 2253 Reading & Analytical Thinking: Poetry

ELM 2263 Introduction to the Study of English Language/Linguistic

GRM 2273 Introduction to Islamic Revealed Knowledge

GSM 2213 Introduction to Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

ISM 2112 Computer 1

Ma'annajah, Ameen ;))


Abuiya said...

homesick ker? hak3,
byk subjek sem ni,
gud luck ;)

nusaibah said...

huhu. exactly. HOMEsick.


spm lg byk kot?

huhu.thnx anwy ;DD

Amalina_Kaksu said...

gudluck, kak sayba...
w0w...mcm byk je assignment...take it easy ok?
btw, adek xtau lagi keputusan spm kak sayba... walaupon dah lama, may i know?
just curious...hihi...^^

nusaibah said...

thnx ;)
assgnment mmg byk. itu adat. huhu.
result spm? sure.
u cn read it dkt post before2 dis.